Sunday, December 25, 2011

Very Merry Christmas

Santa has come and gone and now if only I could find a place to put all this stuff!:) I do believe Kaz got everything on my his list for this first Christmas. On the Eve we left cookies and eggnog out in hopes of beginning a tradition like most believers out there. I thought I'd give Kaz the opportunity to write his first letter to Santa...

Kaz's letter to Santa...he was more interested in eating it;)
Mornings are when Kaz is happiest...and that being said he woke up ready to go!

All ready to open gifts Christmas morning

Checking out what Santa brought

Having fun learning how his pop machine worked

Since Kaz has such strong legs and loves attempting to walk, Preston and I thought a walker would be a perfect gift. Luckily, he caught on quickly and before we knew it he was scooting around on the hard wood with ease. You could tell how proud he was of himself:)

Trying out his new walker
Kaz is one blessed boy, being surrounded by so many loving grandparents and even a couple great-grandparents, as well as many other family and friends that helped make sure that Kaz's first Christmas was special. Kaz received a fisher-price nativity set from his Aunt Vic just before Christmas. Obviously Kaz can't quite grasp the Christmas story and the real "reason for the season" just yet, but I know we will be putting those to good use in years to come in order to share of the baby in a manger and how he came for all of us.

"The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.” - Luke 2: 11 - 12

Presents at Grandpa & Grandma Clay's

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Beginning the 1st Christmas

Scoping out the crowd
The Christmas celebration started a little early, considering all of the stops we must make during the holiday season. This past weekend we got a jump start on Christmas with Pops and Mimi in Louisville. Kaz opened his first Christmas presents and seemed to be pleased...especially with all the new books! He can't get enough of reading and all the neat pictures. Books are by far his most favorite thing going...minus food;)

Kaz & Pops
Kaz & Grandma Dailey
Kaz had just enough time to fit in a nap it seemed between each Christmas celebrated this week. 

We followed up with a Kazee (Kaz's namesake) Christmas this Tuesday....

Listening to Guigui read his favorite book

Hanging with his Papaw Kazee
We enjoyed the time with our Tennessee family sharing another memorable Christmas. This one was special for us because we had a cute little one to add in the mix. 

Kaz needed some help opening his first gift

It was great getting to capture this time with his great-grandparents...Guigui spent time reading his favorite books and Papaw sang the songs that he prefers;) Kaz was most impressed with his big gift from them - the rocking horse and the cool mane he got to pull on!

Loves his rocking horse! (especially when it makes noise;) 
I'm looking forward to this weekend and sharing the first Christmas with our baby. I hope to instill in him the joy of Christmas and the thankfulness for our King in years to come.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Christmas and Trial & Error;)

Kaz was of course the star of our annual Christmas card this year. Here are a couple pictures that were taken of him in front of the Christmas lights:)

Kaz has been trying a couple new things this week! First thing was the high chair at Mi Casita. Since we eat out a couple of days throughout the week, I thought it was time to start getting him acquainted with the seating options (other than our lap). He did well for his first time sitting at the table like a big boy for at least half of our meal before asking to be held:)

We also decided to introduce Kaz to a sippy cup this week. Since he has a little trouble opening his hands, this should be good practice for him to work on grabbing on to handles of the cup and exercising those arm muscles! Clearly he knew entirely too well what to do with the cup as soon as it was handed over to him:)

I'm so excited about Christmas and unwrapping presents with him this year! I know he's not old enough to realize all that's going on and why...but it sure does make it more fun as a parent:) I can't wait to see how he likes his big gift from mommy & daddy.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Railroad Santa

Kaz had his 2nd glimpse of Santa downtown Midway today. He wasn't as interested in the jolly man as he was the train. I'm guessing the noise of the "choo choo" was a little intimidating to someone Kaz's size.
We also got to meet a little fuzzy horse that was giving rides to little ones. We opted out of going horseback...however I'm sure he'll be begging the horsey for a ride this time next year:)

Kaz tried peas for the first time today. We still haven't found a food that he doesn't like which makes the whole feeding thing pretty convenient. I just got through making a batch of green beans and pears for him to try out this week. I believe that should complete all the basic fruits and veggies. I guess that means this chef has got to start getting creative:)

Uncle Bert tagged along for the day and was a great "stroller pusher". I know it's going to get interesting once Kaz starts talking. There is no telling the conversations that will go on between these two!:)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Kaz man @ 7 months!

Since this boy is sitting up we thought it was time to capture some smiles and take advantage of this new physical gift. We are so happy with Kaz's progress and give the thanks to God daily for watching over our son. He has been doing great with First Steps and his physical therapist has already been singing his praises with the progress he has made in just one week. I have to remind myself on a regular basis when reviewing physical milestones and expectations, Kaz should be performing at a 5 month old level (considering his prematurity). He still has many barriers to tackle, but with the help of the physical therapist, his wonderful day-time girlfriend Jess, and lots of prayers...we know he can overcome all things ahead.

Having Kaz has reminded me how lucky I am to have Preston. He has always been my "source of reason", helping me get through those days when I look at the somewhat unknown future for our son. He is always a support by giving and sharing the positive outlook to all situations we face. He is such a wonderful father to Kaz...I'm afraid to say Kaz already emulates his daddy by singing all the time, especially at night when he sings himself to sleep. And I mean it when I say "sing", he really does sing...inflection and all! It is nice to know Kaz will be growing up with a great role model...his father.

I stopped to think today (believe it or not;) and realized my once little baby is now 7 months old! It's really hard to believe the 1st year is already half way over. It was a rough start, but I'm so glad to have the privilege of being Kaz's mommy.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Santa Clause is coming to town!

Christmas time has officially started in the Clay household! The trees are up, stockings are hung, and gifts on the Christmas list are being checked off. Kaz got to meet the man in the big red suit this weekend and had fun sitting on his lap and pulling on his beard;)

It's been so much fun introducing Kaz to many new sights, sounds, people, and surroundings during this holiday season. Here are some things that we have been busy putting together to deck these halls for Christmas 2011!

My 1st wreath!
Kaz was excited to help us with a little decorating:)
Kazer's Christmas tree
He loves taking naps under the lights!:)
Our family Christmas tree
 On another note, as Kaz turns 7 months this Tuesday, I am amazed at all of the things that he has accomplished over the last month. He is progressing so well and really "catching up" in many areas (those physical milestones) that we have been constantly aiding and monitoring. He now turns over on-command and is sitting up with very little assistance. Obviously, these are some big things to be thankful for....but I am always counting those small things as well.:) I hope to never take for granted anything, whether big or small in the future as he grows.

Kaz at his 1st play...our Children's Christmas play at church - he loved it!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tennessee Thanksgiving

We had an extra passenger this year while traveling to Tennessee for our annual family Thanksgiving. Kaz tested out his new car seat for the first time thanks to our 2 1/2 hour trudge down south. He has always been a great traveler and continued his streak in his new ride:)

Kaz got the chance to spend some great quality time with his great-grandparents and grandparents over the holiday. He was read to, sang to, walked around, and played with 24/7 during our stay. They definitely kept him entertained and even got to witness a few new talents of his...


Our boy likes to eat anything! We have yet to find something that he dislikes, however we have only introduced a few foods thus far. He seemed to like carrots, loves avocados, and just had his first taste of 
sweet potatoes served for Thanksgiving by his great-grandmother.

Kaz has many loves, but one that ranks at the top would be watching football with his daddy. Needless to say Kaz was a happy baby. The combination of food, football, and family are right up his alley.

All this to say, this Thanksgiving was a very special one for our family - the first of many traditions to come. 

 Heading for our annual, Day-after-Thanksgiving shopping trip

Monday, November 21, 2011

Always Thankful!

 My little "army man" all suited up for pics to send to his cousin Spencer, serving in Korea.

This Thanksgiving began early with a trip this weekend to Nashville, Tennessee with my dad and our family. We were greeted with food galore...and every bite was delicious! We did a little shopping in the mix of a whole lot of stuffing ourselves and visiting with each other:) Kaz got to spend lots of time with his cousin, Emil. He seemed to be in awe of all of his big cousin's mobility and stayed glued to every movement and sound that was made. We attempted to put them on the same couch for pictures was all fun and games until someone got hurt. Emil likes to attack squeeze Kaz's face every time they are together;) We joked about how it will be interesting this time next year when Kaz can fend for himself. I have a feeling they will just grow up being big buddies.

 Thank goodness for cousins...lots of love!

We plan to head down south again this week to celebrate Thanksgiving with my mom's side. We look forward to sharing the family traditions with Kaz during the upcoming holiday season!:)

Kaz also had his 6 month check-up last week. He received the massive protocol list of shots + the flu vaccine and wasn't too happy afterwards....

Once again we left the doctors office feeling defeated because of some alarming news regarding his development. We continue to stay dedicated to prayer and keep a positive outlook on a successful future for our little man. We are in hopes that his physical therapy will do the job in strengthening his weakness. We know God has great things planned and are trusting in him to lead us each day.

"Be thankful in all circumstances" - 1 Thessalonians 5:18