Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Christmas and Trial & Error;)

Kaz was of course the star of our annual Christmas card this year. Here are a couple pictures that were taken of him in front of the Christmas lights:)

Kaz has been trying a couple new things this week! First thing was the high chair at Mi Casita. Since we eat out a couple of days throughout the week, I thought it was time to start getting him acquainted with the seating options (other than our lap). He did well for his first time sitting at the table like a big boy for at least half of our meal before asking to be held:)

We also decided to introduce Kaz to a sippy cup this week. Since he has a little trouble opening his hands, this should be good practice for him to work on grabbing on to handles of the cup and exercising those arm muscles! Clearly he knew entirely too well what to do with the cup as soon as it was handed over to him:)

I'm so excited about Christmas and unwrapping presents with him this year! I know he's not old enough to realize all that's going on and why...but it sure does make it more fun as a parent:) I can't wait to see how he likes his big gift from mommy & daddy.