We had a surprise pop up a few weeks ago when Kaz was diagnosed with Pyloric Stenosis. This is a muscle below the stomach that blocks food from getting through to the intestines. That being said, he stayed sick until we figured out what the problem was. Once this was confirmed he was sent straight to UK hospital for surgery. It was a rough recovery time that first 24 hours while the anesthesia wore off but after a day stay in the Pediatric ICU we were released from the hospital. Since then things have been much smoother....he has been eating well and seems to be completely healed from surgery.
We also received great news from the cardiologist this week. Kaz was born with a PDA which is a flap in the heart that should close at birth. His stayed open for quite some time...even up through a few weeks ago the doctors could still hear a murmur. That was until this week when we went back for a follow up and the doctor told us that the problem had resolved itself and the PDA had closed on it's own - praise God:)
Kaz is now 11 weeks and growing like a weed, now over 10lbs. - so hard to believe. He is over 22 inches long and continuing to beg for more and more milk daily. He is now sleeping between 5 to 6 hours every night and in his "big boy" room.
Some other good news is he has been off his apnea monitor for almost 2 weeks now. It has taken a little getting use to but we are finally confident in him and his breathing to go longer than a few minutes without sticking our finger under his nose to be sure that he is breathing during a long snooze:) He has begun to spend more time on his tummy...and is doing a great job at lifting his head up, turning it side to side, and has even gone up on his elbows a couple of times! Like most babies, Kaz loves riding in the car. It seems to be an automatic soother. Whenever he is upset and we head out in the car he is quickly calmed into an immediate sleep. One of my favorite new things is his smile:) This week he has started smiling back and it's such a joy to see a happy face. Preston and I continue to be so thankful for how far our little guy has come and for all the great things God has planned for our family in the future.