Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Not a "PREEMIE" anymore!

Daddy and Kazer @ the Woodland Art Fair
On our first golf outing as a family....
Sometimes he really likes being on his tummy...this was one of those days:)

Checking out one of his favorite entertainment pieces in the house....the ceiling fan
Church'n it up

When people say "babies grow fast" they are talking specifically about my child! Mr. Kaz is large and in charge these days. He is a whopping 14 lbs. and hasn't even reached the 4 month mark. We have had a wonderful summer together and although there has been many hoops to jump through I can honestly say I have enjoyed every second. (Yes, even the nights when I had absolutely ZERO sleep because his monitor was going off non-stop).
We have really been enjoying Kazer the past couple of weeks with the entertainment of his coos and giggles. He is smiling always and even on-command. He also seems to enjoy receiving and giving kisses...opening his mouth as wide as possible:)
With school in full swing, I am (as every mommy) afraid of missing out on the "big milestones" while I'm at work. The pictures from Miss Jess (Kaz's keeper:) keep me going through the day and we are so thankful to have been fortunate enough to have such a patient, loving lady keeping our little man.
I am looking forward to the next few months coming up...I love the holiday season! Family, food, and fun are in store for us and I'm so excited that we get Kaz to enjoy it with us. As always, everyday, I thank God that he loved us so much to give us such a wonderful blessing, our son.
Hanging with his Uncle Logan....
and getting some love from Grandpa Clay.....