Friday, July 6, 2012

14 month old Kazer:)

I now have a blonde-headed boy! Never thought I would say that, considering his daddy and I both have super dark hair?? But Kaz has never been too predictable;) After our beach trip I do have a blonde babe.

Kaz has shown many developmental changes over the past month. Probably one department daddy would like to brag is the area of rhythm. Not sure if it's the Gymboree Music class that has paid off or what? But Kaz has started clapping, dancing, and finding joy in music and literally anything with a beat. He even shows interest in worship:) shaking his hands around to the music.

Next, another huge "Kaz milestone" recently is pulling forward from the sitting position to the crawling position. He has done this in the past before, but not as consistently as recently. Of course, I'm praying that is a sign for more progress to come:) Kaz is definitely getting stronger every day! There is nothing he can't get past in his walker. I'm actually in the process of shopping for baby gates believe it or not. He is so much stronger is his core and looking much more stable and confident when sitting.
Obvious improvements are happening with Kaz's muscle tone. He is much more controlled and effective when using his body. This is huge and a constant prayer of mine!

There are a few new obsessions in his life....
The most recent would be any remote he can get his hands on! He is "your average male", I guess you could say;)

Another steady favorite are his new Baby Signing Time DVDs & Laurie Berkner Band show (thanks Owen;)

This month has been a great one! I'm looking forward to the few weeks left to spend with my boys and whatever else we can get into before the real world starts back.