Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hello half-year mark! (aka 4 months:)

Kaz is still defying the odds in the "preemie" world. He is 20 lbs. (90% in weight) and over 27 inches tall (70% in length). Based on data, he is off the charts for his gestational age of 4 months. Sometimes I question myself and the doctors when referring back to his due date of July 2nd, 2011, wondering if we were all wrong in predicting when his nine month journey should end. Then I think back to Kaz's first couple months of life and am quickly reminded of how fortunate we are that he survived. Every part that made up his body needed assistance in order to function properly. Everything from oxygen machines for consistent breathing, shots of medicine for speedy lung development, and staying in an incubator for weeks in a row are just a few reminders of his early arrival.  

We do however continue to monitor his developmental milestones where he continues to show weakness in an area or two. He hasn't quite mastered turning over but is getting so close and with just a little nudge from someone is able to flip himself onto his back. We have also been working on keeping his hands open to grasp things and continue to work with him using little exercises daily.

It seems as though every morning when I pick him up out of his crib he has somehow managed to grow and change overnight. We are dedicated in saying prayers daily regarding his physical milestones. He will begin physical therapy in the upcoming weeks and we are in hopes of seeing positive progress in gross and fine motor abilities in future months. I have come to the realization that we are on "Kaz time" and I'm just waiting around on him from now on (and helping as much as I can along the way;)

Kaz got to attend his first wedding ever this past weekend. I'm not so sure he remembers much other than the special room we went to because he can't seem to stop making noises at all the wrong times. Good thing we were back in the sound-proof quarters, considering as soon as the priest called for a moment of silence Kaz shouted out some random coo:)

What a blessing this boy has been to our lives already. It's amazing how one life can put so much into perspective. I know that I have grown in my faith as well as my character over this past 6 months. My hope is to raise Kaz knowing the importance of loving God with all his heart throughout his life.