Saturday, December 10, 2011

Railroad Santa

Kaz had his 2nd glimpse of Santa downtown Midway today. He wasn't as interested in the jolly man as he was the train. I'm guessing the noise of the "choo choo" was a little intimidating to someone Kaz's size.
We also got to meet a little fuzzy horse that was giving rides to little ones. We opted out of going horseback...however I'm sure he'll be begging the horsey for a ride this time next year:)

Kaz tried peas for the first time today. We still haven't found a food that he doesn't like which makes the whole feeding thing pretty convenient. I just got through making a batch of green beans and pears for him to try out this week. I believe that should complete all the basic fruits and veggies. I guess that means this chef has got to start getting creative:)

Uncle Bert tagged along for the day and was a great "stroller pusher". I know it's going to get interesting once Kaz starts talking. There is no telling the conversations that will go on between these two!:)