Friday, April 6, 2012

11 Months

The Kaz man has reached 11 months! Just 1 month shy of being a year old...he has accomplished so much and come so far since birth. I'll save the review of his accomplishments for the big 1-year post, but for now I'd like to concentrate on the major topic lately - that being - I am his favorite (I, being ME, MAMA;)
I love how his first instinct is to reach out for me! I love how he prefers for me to hold him over anyone else! I love how he even picks me over his always joking and favorite, daddy! Although his chubbiness isn't the easiest to haul around...I love being #1 in his little heart right now:)

As far as what's been going on lately, Kaz has been calling the shots. Since he's still not quite "mobile" he finds ways of nudging, pointing, leaning, whatever he can do to get us to place him exactly where he wants to be. He still favors anything that makes noise...his piano being first choice. He enjoys clapping anything, whether it be his hands or objects together. He loves "singing" along to funny songs - "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!"
He continues to devour anything edible and has started mixing in some juice into his diet this month.

Preparing for Kaz's first Easter has been quite entertaining. It's given me motivation and inspiration to decorate the house...with spring colors everywhere - including eggs and bunnies sprinkled in every room. We've made a stop to visit the easter bunny, hung the Easter stocking (thanks Guigui), prepared the Easter basket, and finally colored our Easter eggs! I sure hope Peter Cottontail makes a stop at our place;)

All this to say - I truly do anticipate the day when I can share with our Kaz man the amazing Easter story -  how blessed we are to have a Savior to die for our sins. I am thankful to have the privilege of sharing the story of Jesus and what he did for you and for me.

Jesus told her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying." - John 11:25