One year ago I remember waking up in the hospital and hearing the words..."You have a son, and he is alive". At that moment I never thought this day would come - the day we would celebrate my baby's 1st birthday. Thankfully, I have had the privilege of being a mommy to a wonderful little boy named Kaz for the past year and just this past weekend we got to celebrate his life and how good our God is!
Day 2 in the NICU |
Considering all the challenges we have faced this first year...pyloric stenosis at 2 months, apnea/heart rate drops, monitors, helmets, you name it....our big guy has definitely overcome the odds in the preemie world.
At Kaz's 1-year checkup he weighed in at 27lbs. and measured 30 inches tall. He is off the charts for his gestational age and above the 70 percentile in both areas for his actual birth day. That is quite unheard of for most preemies, which take years to catch up to their peers in the size category.
Kaz continues to be a bit behind in the area of gross motor, however we have seen major improvements in his fine motor skills where he has closed the gap. He continues to work with the PT and OT on a weekly basis to enhance his motor skills. Kaz should now be performing in the 10 month range considering his due date...if we could just get him to crawl he would just about meet all suggested milestones:) He would much rather someone carry him or stroll him around. I am trying to soak up all of the "baby" that I have left and appreciate him "needing" me.
Our boy loves people! He would rather interact with someone than play with a toy any day. He now recognizes familiar faces...and not so familiar faces;) He has definitely started to become attached to his grandparents on all sides! I think he is too wise for his own good - he knows they will spoil him:)
Accomplishments/Milestones/Favorites to date:
Fav Book: "I Love You Through and Through"
Sits independently
Waves hi and bye
Rolls over both ways
Sings himself to sleep always
Signs "more" and "thank you"
Gives kisses
High fives
Loves playing the piano
Mastered the sippy cup
2 pearly whites on bottom
Loves anything edible and can feed himself with hands
Almost has the pincer grasp mastered
Favorite video: Baby Einstein Signs/Baby Signing Time
"Look to the Lord and His strength. Remember the wonders He has done and His miracles." - Psalm 105: 4 - 5
Check out Kaz's 1-year Review:
Happy 1st birthday sweet boy! More pictures to come from the bday celebration....