Sunday, May 27, 2012

And so it begins...

 Summer break has been nothing but wonderful so far...and hot! Kaz and I have our schedules planned out for the most part and are really looking forward to our time together:)

We have managed to stay quite busy these first few days of break. Our first stop was the public library to grab a schedule with all the summer events to attend. We spent Thursday with Kaz's friend Griffin and his mommy Lori...hanging by their pools and cruising in their cool cars. We're going to tag along with them next week and try out a music class at Gymboree. We've always joked about them being the "freshest new boy band", so we're just trying to prepare them for what's to come;)

Friday we celebrated my mom's (Kaz's - Sha Sha) retirement. We are so thankful that she is going to be staying at home after the summer to keep up with our Kaz man for the next few years!

It's amazing the difference I have seen in my little man just the past few days! He is talking like crazy...getting closer to being mobile everyday...and just so fun and involved in what's going on. He definitely keeps me entertained! I have great expectations for all that's in store this summer. I am believing for big things and major catching up for my sweet boy.